Monday 24 May 2010

Let's play Blogboozle!

Hello welcome to my blog come in, take your shoes off and make yourself at home.

I will be putting my thoughts into words on here which could be deadly or very exciting. I have never been a master of the written word, I am better at speaking but I thought I would give it a bash to try and improve so bear with me.

Oh yeah FYI/BTW/EOP/COp/REM/MOP/DB7 - Don’t take anything I say in this blog too seriously I talk an awful lot of nonsense my first proper entry will confirm this statement.

If you like the blog that is lovely, keep reading and tell all your friends.

If you don’t like the blog I would appreciate if you would never mention the blog ever again and pretend you never read it in the first place like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Ta very much


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